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• an increase of $55.8 million in our prepaid reinsurance premiums due to the timing of payments and increase in ceded premiums written; and • an increase in other operating cash flows of $178.3 million primarily reflecting subscriptions received in advance of the issuance of Upsilon RFO’s non-voting preference shares effective January 1, 2021, which were recorded in other liabilities at December 31, 2020. Refer to “Note 11. Variable Interest Entities” in our “Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements” for additional information related to Upsilon RFO’s non-voting preference shares; Cash flows used in investing activities. During 2020, our cash flows used in investing activities were $2.3 billion, principally reflecting net purchases of fixed maturity investments trading, short term investments and other investments of $1.6 billion, $581.5 million, and $216.8 million, respectively. The net purchase of fixed maturity investments trading was primarily funded by cash flows provided by operating activities, as described above, and the issuance of RenaissanceRe common shares during the second quarter of 2020, whereas the net purchase of short term investments was primarily associated with capital received from investors in Upsilon RFO during 2020.The net purchase of other investments during 2020 was primarily driven by an increased allocation to catastrophe bonds. Partially offsetting these net outflows from investing activities were net proceeds of $136.7 million from the sale of RenaissanceRe UK during the third quarter of 2020. Cash flows provided by financing activities. Our cash flows provided by financing activities in 2020 were $665.2 million, and were principally the result of: • the issuance of 6,325,000 of our common shares in an underwritten public offering at a public offering price of $166.00 per share, combined with an additional $75.0 million raised through the issuance of 451,807 of our common shares at a price of $166.00 per share to State Farm, one of our existing stockholders, in a private placement. The total net proceeds from the offerings were $1.1 billion; • net inflows of $119.1 million related to net third-party redeemable noncontrolling interest share transactions in DaVinciRe, Medici and Vermeer; partially offset by • the repayment in full at maturity of the aggregate principal amount of $250.0 million, plus applicable accrued interest, of our 5.75% Senior Notes due 2020 of RenRe North America Holdings Inc. and RenaissanceRe Finance; • the redemption of all 5 million of our outstanding Series C 6.08% Preference Shares on March 26, 2020 for $125.0 million plus accrued and unpaid dividends thereon; • the repurchase of 406 thousand of our common shares in open market transactions at an aggregate cost of $62.6 million and an average price of $154.36 per common share; and • dividends paid on our common and preference shares of $68.5 million and $30.9 million, respectively. Capital Resources We monitor our capital adequacy on a regular basis and seek to adjust our capital according to the needs of our business. In particular, we require capital sufficient to meet or exceed the capital adequacy ratios established by rating agencies for maintenance of appropriate financial strength ratings, the capital adequacy tests performed by regulatory authorities and the capital requirements under our credit facilities. From time to time, rating agencies may make changes in their capital models and rating methodologies, which could increase the amount of capital required to support our ratings. We may seek to raise additional capital or return capital to our shareholders through common share repurchases and cash dividends (or a combination of such methods). In the normal course of our operations, we may from time to time evaluate additional share or debt issuances given prevailing market conditions and capital management strategies, including for our operating subsidiaries, joint ventures and managed funds. In addition, as noted above, we enter into agreements with financial institutions to obtain letter of credit facilities for the benefit of our operating subsidiaries and certain of our joint ventures and managed funds in their reinsurance and insurance business. 96

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