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test, the PRA may require the entire Lloyd’s market to cease underwriting or individual Lloyd’s members may be required to cease or reduce their underwriting. RREAG, UK Branch is authorized and regulated in the U.K. by the PRA and by the FCA. RREAG, UK Branch was therefore subject to the Solvency II regime, until January 1, 2021, at which point it became subject to the U.K.’s domestic prudential regime. However, notwithstanding these regulatory changes, RREAG, UK Branch is still not required, nor will it be required under the terms of the U.K.’s domestic prudential regime, to hold capital at the branch level. In light of this and related matters, the PRA granted various modifications and waivers to RREAG, UK Branch from its regulatory reporting requirements. Change of Control The PRA and the FCA currently regulate the acquisition of control of insurers, reinsurers and Lloyd’s managing agents which are authorized under the Financial Services Act 2012. Any company or individual that, together with its or his associates, directly or indirectly acquires 10% or more of the shares in such an entity or its parent company, or is entitled to exercise or control the exercise of 10% or more of the voting power in such entity or its parent company, would be considered to have acquired control for the purposes of the relevant legislation, as would a person who had significant influence over the management of such entity or its parent company by virtue of their shareholding or voting power in either. A purchaser of 10% or more of RenaissanceRe’s common shares or voting power would therefore be considered to have acquired control of RSML. Under the Financial Services Act 2012, any person or entity proposing to acquire control over an insurer, reinsurer or Lloyd’s managing agent must give prior notification to the PRA and the FCA of their or the entity’s intention to do so. The PRA and FCA would then have 60 working days to consider the application to acquire control. Failure to make the relevant prior application could result in action being taken against RSML by the PRA or the FCA or both of them. Lloyd’s approval is also required before any person can acquire control (using the same definition as for the PRA and FCA) of a Lloyd’s managing agent or Lloyd’s corporate member. Other Applicable Laws Lloyd’s worldwide insurance and reinsurance business is subject to various regulations, laws, treaties and other applicable policies of the EU, as well as of each nation, state and locality in which it operates. Material changes in governmental requirements and laws could have an adverse effect on Lloyd’s and market participants, including RSML and RenaissanceRe CCL. Switzerland Regulation Swiss Group Affiliate Companies and Reinsurance Branches. RREAG, a company limited by shares with its registered seat in Zurich, Switzerland, is a reinsurance company licensed in class C1 and supervised by FINMA. As such, RREAG must comply with Swiss insurance supervisory law (as applicable to reinsurers), including in particular the Insurance Supervisory Act, Insurance Supervisory Ordinance, FINMA ordinances and FINMA circulars. RREAG’s accounts are prepared in accordance with the Swiss Code of Obligations, the Insurance Supervision Act and the Insurance Supervision Ordinance. RREAG maintains branch operations in Australia, Bermuda, U.K. and the U.S., each in accordance with applicable local regulations. Further, the group affiliates Renaissance Reinsurance and DaVinci each have a branch office registered with the commercial register of the Canton of Zurich, Switzerland; however, as these are reinsurance-only branch offices of a foreign reinsurer, they are not currently subject to the license and supervision requirements of FINMA. The group affiliate RenaissanceRe Services of Switzerland AG, a company limited by shares with registered seat in Zurich, Switzerland, is a service company. Until December 31, 2019, it held a license granted by FINMA for the distribution of insurance-linked securities. This license type ceased to exist on January 1, 2020 as a result of the new Swiss Federal Financial Institutions Act and the Swiss Federal Financial Services Act, which amended certain provisions of the Swiss collective investment schemes legislation. Thus, as of that date, RenaissanceRe Services of Switzerland AG has ceased to hold any FINMA license. However, RenaissanceRe Services of Switzerland AG has affiliated with a Swiss ombudsman’s office and registered the relevant client advisors with a Swiss recognized client advisor register in accordance with the Swiss Federal Financial Services Act, which has enabled it to continue its distribution activities for insurance-linked securities. 28

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