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SCHEDULE II RENAISSANCERE HOLDINS LTD CONDENSED INANCIAL INORMATION O REISTRANT L CONTINUED RENAISSANCERE HOLDINS LTD STATEMENTS O CASH LOWS OR THE .EARS ENDED DECEMER  , , AND  PARENT COMPAN. THOUSANDS O UNITED STATES DOLLARS .ear ended Decem3er  ,  ash flows provided by (used in) operating activities Net income (loss) $ (40,155) $ 762,405 $ 748,798 Less: equity in net income of subsidiaries 10,670 (786,552) (773,419) (29,485) (24,147) (24,621) Ad,ustments to reconcile net income (loss) to net cash provided by (used in) operating activities Net realized and unrealized (gains) losses on investments 4,898 4,556 (12,393) Other 59,873 37,782 34,153 et cash provided by (used in) operating activities 35,286 18,191 (2,861) ash flows provided by (used in) investing activities Proceeds from maturities and sales of fixed maturity investments trading 436,122 370,905 306,579 Purchases of fixed maturity investments trading (421,323) (384,415) (66,740) Net sales (purchases) of short term investments 78,904 64,209 (116,499) Dividends and return of capital from subsidiaries 1,104,831 827,626 1,400,944 Contributions to subsidiaries (351,548) (1,623,708) (1,165,607) Due (to) from subsidiary 50,472 (65,438) (625,924) et cash provided by (used in) investing activities 897,458 (810,821) (267,247) ash flows provided by (used in) financing activities Dividends paid – RenaissanceRe common shares (67,828) (68,490) (59,368) Dividends paid – preference shares (32,889) (30,923) (36,756) Issuance of debt, net of expenses — — 396,411 RenaissanceRe common share repurchases (1,027,505) (62,621) — RenaissanceRe common share issuance — 1,095,507 — Redemption of preference shares (275,000) (125,000) — Issuance of preference shares, net of expenses 488,653 — — Taxes paid on withholding shares (12,171) (12,330) (7,253) et cash provided by (used in) financing activities (926,740) 796,143 293,034 Effect of exchange rate changes on foreign currency cash — (143) — et increase (decrease) in cash and cash e3uivalents 6,004 3,370 22,926 ash and cash e3uivalents, beginning of year 29,830 26,460 3,534 ash and cash e3uivalents, end of year $ 35,834 $ 29,830 $ 26,460 S-6

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