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other than catastrophe reinsurance. From time to time we consider diversification into new ventures, either through organic growth, the formation of new joint ventures or managed funds, or the acquisition of, or the investment in, other companies or books of business of other companies. We have determined our business consists of the following reportable segments: (1) Property, which is comprised of catastrophe and other property (re)insurance written on behalf of our operating subsidiaries, joint ventures and managed funds, and (2) Casualty and Specialty, which is comprised of casualty and specialty (re)insurance written on behalf of our operating subsidiaries, joint ventures and managed funds. The underwriting results of our operating subsidiaries and underwriting platforms are included in our Property and Casualty and Specialty segment results as appropriate. A meaningful portion of the reinsurance and insurance we write provides protection from damages relating to natural and man-made catastrophes. Our results depend to a large extent on the frequency and severity of these catastrophic events, and the coverages we offer to customers that are affected by these events. We are exposed to significant losses from these catastrophic events and other exposures we cover, which primarily impact our Property segment, in both the property catastrophe and other property lines of business. Accordingly, we expect a significant degree of volatility in our financial results and our financial results may vary significantly from quarter-to-quarter and from year-to-year, based on the level of insured catastrophic losses occurring around the world. Our Casualty and Specialty business, which represents approximately half of our gross premiums written annually, is an efficient use of capital that is generally less correlated with our Property business. It allows us to bring additional capacity to our clients, across a wider range of product offerings, while continuing to be good stewards of our shareholders’ capital. We continually explore appropriate and efficient ways to address the risk needs of our clients and the impact of various regulatory and legislative changes on our operations. We have created, and manage, multiple capital vehicles across several jurisdictions and may create additional risk bearing vehicles or enter into additional jurisdictions in the future. In addition, our differentiated strategy and capabilities position us to pursue bespoke or large solutions for clients, which may be non-recurring. This, and other factors including the timing of contract inception, could result in significant volatility of premiums in both our Property and Casualty and Specialty segments. As our product and geographical diversity increases, we may be exposed to new risks, uncertainties and sources of volatility. CORPORATE STRATEGY Our mission is to match desirable, well-structured risks with efficient sources of capital to achieve our vision of being the best underwriter. We believe that this will allow us to produce superior returns for our shareholders over the long term, and to protect communities and enable prosperity. Our strategy for achieving these objectives, which is supported by our core values, our principles and our culture, is to operate an integrated system of what we believe are our three competitive advantages: superior customer relationships , superior risk selection and superior capital management . We believe all three competitive advantages are required to achieve our objectives, and we aim to seamlessly coordinate the delivery of these competitive advantages for the benefit of our shareholders, ceding insurers, brokers, investors in our joint ventures and managed funds, and other stakeholders. Superior Customer Relationships. We aim to be a trusted long-term partner to our customers for assessing and managing risk and delivering responsive solutions . We believe our modeling and technical expertise, our risk management products, and our track record of keeping our promises have made us a provider of first choice in many lines of business to our customers worldwide. We seek to offer stable, predictable and consistent risk-based pricing and a prompt turnaround on claims. Superior Risk Selection . We aim to build a portfolio of risks that produces an attractive risk-adjusted return on utilized capital. We develop a perspective of each risk using both our underwriters’ expertise and sophisticated risk selection techniques, including computer models and databases such as REMS©. We pursue a disciplined approach to underwriting and seek to select only those risks that we believe will produce a portfolio with an attractive return, subject to prudent risk constraints. We manage our portfolio of risks dynamically, both within sub-portfolios and across the Company. Superior Capital Management. We aim to write as much attractively priced business as is accessible to us and then manage our capital accordingly. We generally look to raise capital when we forecast increased demand in the market, at times by accessing capital through joint ventures or other structures, and return capital to our shareholders or joint venture investors when the demand for our coverages appears to decline 4

2021 Annual Report - Page 20 2021 Annual Report Page 19 Page 21