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Message from the Chair INSTILLING CULTURE IN NEW EMPLOYEES Over the course of the last two years, RenaissanceRe has added approximately 200 new employees. Even under the best of circumstances, growing at this scale would have been a formidable task. COVID-19 brought an additional layer of complexity, as many of these employees were onboarded while working from home. RenaissanceRe has a unique culture that is critical to its success. The Board has consistently reinforced the importance of preserving this culture as the organization grows, as well as effectively inculcating this culture as new employees join, and we worked closely with Kevin and management to ensure this was maintained. PROGRESSING OUR ESG STRATEGY In 2020, the Board was pleased by RenaissanceRe’s proactive formalization of an ESG strategy which consisted of three priorities that reflect the confluence of our risk acumen with our ability to make a meaningful positive impact. The Board is keenly interested in ESG, and passionate in our belief that RenaissanceRe should continue its commitment to this critical strategy. As Kevin explains in his Letter to Shareholders, the Company made great strides in ESG once again this year. This progress was especially evident in the Company’s industry-leading response to the issue of climate change, characterized by its robust modeling capabilities through RenaissanceRe Risk Sciences and leadership role at the United Nations 26 th Climate Change Conference. Of the many risks the Company faces, climate change is undoubtedly one of the most existential. This was evident once again in 2021, with winter storms, hurricanes, floods and wildfires. Oversight of climate change risk is among the most critical roles of the Board, and we receive frequent reports from management regarding how the Company is managing this evolving risk. We are confident that the Company continues to lead the industry in both understanding and modeling climate change. MONITORING DATA SECURITY AND TECHNOLOGICAL PROGRESS Just as existing risks continue to evolve, new risks constantly arise, and we recognize and evolve to meet them. Cybersecurity, and the issue of data security more broadly, is one risk that has been growing in prominence recently. As a P&C reinsurer, RenaissanceRe has underwritten cyber liability for many years. The Board has set definite risk tolerances for this business, against which management reports quarterly. In 2021, utilizing certain directors’ expertise, the Board convoked an informal working group focused on data security and technological progress, with the goal of assisting the Board’s oversight over emerging risks in this area and management’s utilization of technology. This informal working group supplemented regular cybersecurity reports to the Audit Committee and full Board. It served to further enhance the Board’s understanding of the Company’s sophisticated strategy to manage data security and progress on the adoption of technologies in its operations. The Board will continue to monitor data security risk closely and has every confidence that management will continue to appropriately address it. BOARD EVOLUTION In 2022, Jean Hamilton announced her retirement effective as of our upcoming Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. Jean was our first female director and brought a new viewpoint to both the Board and RenaissanceRe more broadly when she was elected to this role almost twenty years ago. I would like to thank her for her outstanding leadership over her tenure as director, as well as the significant contributions she has made to the success of RenaissanceRe. The RenaissanceRe Board has nominated Shyam Gidumal for election to the Board to fill Jean’s vacancy. Shyam has a demonstrated track record of leadership across multiple industries, as well as an innovative approach to operational change. I personally look forward to benefiting from Shyam’s diverse experience and the perspective he will bring to the reinsurance industry. IN CLOSING Once again in this past year, the Board and management worked closely to deliver industry leading corporate governance and best-in-class risk management. I am proud of RenaissanceRe’s employees, management and my fellow directors for going above and beyond to fulfill our duties to shareholders and all stakeholders to the highest standard. On behalf of my fellow directors, thank you for your ongoing support of RenaissanceRe. Sincerely, James L. Gibbons Non-Executive Chair 9 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. 2021 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report - Page 11 2021 Annual Report Page 10 Page 12