Table of Contents Foreword 02 03 Principle 1 1.1 Ensure that the organization’s board is working to incorporate the Principles into the business strategy and has oversight of climate risks and opportunities. 1.2 Describe management's (below board-level responsibility) role in assessing and managing climate- related issues. 06 Principle 2 2.1 Evaluate the implications of climate change for business performance (including investments) and key stakeholders. 2.2 Measure and disclose the implications of climate-related issues for business performance (including investments) and key stakeholders. 2.3 Incorporate the material outcomes of climate risk scenarios into business (and investment) decision making. 10 Principle 3 3.1 Ensure processes for identifying, assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities are integrated within the organization (including investments). 3.2 Support and undertake research and development to inform current business strategies (including investments) on adapting to and mitigating climate-related issues. 14 Principle 4 4.1 Encourage our suppliers to improve the environmental sustainability of their products and services and understand the implications these have on our business. 4.2 Disclose our Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 GHG emissions using a globally recognized standard. 4.3 Measure and seek to reduce the environmental impacts of the internal operations and physical assets under our control. 4.4 Engage our employees on our commitment to address climate change, helping them to play their role in meeting this commitment in the workplace and encouraging them to make climate-informed choices outside work. 18 Principle 5 5.1 Promote and actively engage in public debate on climate-related issues and the need for action. Work with policy makers locally, regionally, nationally and internationally to help them develop and maintain an economy that is resilient to climate risk. 5.2 Support and undertake research on climate change to inform our business strategies and help to protect our customers’ and other stakeholders’ interests. Where appropriate, share this research with scientists, society, business, governments and NGOs in order to advance a common interest. 22 Principle 6 6.1 Communicate our beliefs and strategy on climate-related issues to our customers and/or clients. 6.2 Inform our customers and/or clients of climate-related risks and provide support and tools so that they can assess their own levels of risk. 24 Principle 7 7.1 Submission against the ClimateWise Principles. 7.2 Public disclosure of the ClimateWise Principles as part of our annual reporting.

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