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Principle 5 - Inform public policy making 5.1. Promote and actively engage in public debate on climate-related issues and the need for action. Work with policy makers locally, regionally, nationally and internationally to help them develop and maintain an economy that is resilient to climate risk. Industry Forums & Engagement 2021 The Association of Bermuda Insurers and Reinsurers (“ABIR”) • RenaissanceRe’s President and Chief Executive ABIR represents the public policy interests of Officer is the Chair of ClimateWise and Bermuda’s international insurers and reinsurers that RenaissanceRe’s VP ESG Strategy serves on the protect consumers around the world. RenaissanceRe’s ClimateWise Managing Committee SVP Underwriting & Head of Global Public Sector • RenaissanceRe is involved in The IUA Climate Risk Partnerships chairs the ABIR Climate Risk Committee Committee and the LMA’s Climate Risk Working who supports the Bermuda Business Development Group, which are both London market forums to Agency’s efforts to establish and promote Bermuda as discuss the industry response to the changing the world’s climate risk finance capital. The committee regulatory landscape around climate risk has arranged a series of webinars to provide education • Following its investment in BlackRock’s and promote public debate on climate-related topics, U.S. Carbon Transition Readiness Fund including ‘Climate Regulation & the U.S. Federal in 2021, RenaissanceRe’s Chief Financial Reserve’ with a guest speaker from the Federal Officer participated in a virtual media panel Reserve’s Board of Governors, and an overview with BlackRock, CalSTRS and Sura Asset of ‘Climate Change Liability’ from Clyde & Co’s Management to promote the Company’s views Climate Change Risk Practice. As an ABIR member, on climate change, ESG and the importance of RenaissanceRe regularly provides input in various sustainable investing methods, such as its Climate Change Survey through • RenaissanceRe is on the Advisory Board of the Bermuda Monetary Authority in 2020. the Natural Hazards Center of the University of Colorado to promote research in the climate space • RenaissanceRe also proactively shares its climate change perspective in climate questionnaires and surveys with corporate raters such as Moody’s, S&P and Fitch Federal Housing Finance Agency (“FHFA”) 2020 The FHFA was established by the Housing and • RenaissanceRe was a co-sponsor of the Aon Economic Recovery Act of 2008 and is responsible Protection Gap conference in 2020 which for the effective supervision, regulation, and housing encouraged collaboration beyond the market mission oversight of Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac (“the by working with governments, humanitarian Enterprises”) and the Federal Home Loan Bank System, organizations and NGOs to protect communities which includes the 11 Federal Home Loan Banks and before and after catastrophes, including those the Office of Finance. RenaissanceRe plays an active role impacted by significant climate risk in providing input to the FHFA to inform its view of climate • Senior members of RenaissanceRe staff risk. In 2021, RenaissanceRe provided detailed input on attend various forums including The Geneva ‘Climate and Natural Disaster Risk Management at the Association, which is an industry thinktank Regulated Entities’ to help develop its climate change that detects early ideas and emerging debates position. The FHFA requested information on the current on political, economic and societal issues and future risk of climate change and natural disasters, concerning the insurance industry, with research in addition to input on strengthening its supervision and programs including themes dealing with risk regulation of how to manage risks arising from climate management and climate change issues change and natural disasters. The request set out a series of 25 questions for commenters to consider, focused on identifying and assessing climate and natural disaster risk and enhancing FHFA’s supervisory and regulatory framework. RenaissanceRe also presented to the FHFA to outline the reinsurance perspective on climate change and its impacts on flooding. Page 18

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