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We respect and protect RenaissanceRe You are obligated to act Conflicts of Interest in the best interests of See Compliance Portal: RenaissanceRe, and by doing Conflicts and Related Party so, you will be aligning your Transactions Policy actions with the best interests We respect the rights of employees to manage of our shareholders, for whom their personal affairs. We encourage involvement we strive to generate of employees in activities beneficial to the long-term value. community. However, situations may arise which may create a conflict of interest, or may appear to create a conflict of interest, between our individual interests and the best interests of RenaissanceRe and require ethical handling. Generally, you owe a primary duty to RenaissanceRe or, in some circumstances, other stakeholders, to advance its legitimate interests or corporate opportunities and to comply with other duties you may owe to RenaissanceRe. In some circumstances you may owe a duty to stakeholders other than RenaissanceRe. You should seek to identify and avoid situations in which objectivity, independence or the ability to act in the best interests of RenaissanceRe or other relevant stakeholders are compromised or could appear to be compromised. A conflict of interest occurs when an individual’s private interest interferes in any way – or even appears to interfere – with the interests of the Company as a whole. A conflict situation can arise when an employee, officer or director takes actions or has interests that may make it difficult to perform his or her work objectively and effectively. If you find yourself exposed to an actual or potential situation in which you or family members are, or could appear to be, receiving an improper benefit as a result of your position at RenaissanceRe, you are required to communicate this potential conflict of interest as soon as it is identified. Communicate such situations to one of the individuals indicated in the “How to Report” section on pages 20-21 of this Code. Actual conflicts of interest could result in a variety of legal and regulatory issues such as antitrust violations, incomplete financial disclosures, regulatory consequences or damage to our reputation .

Our Code of Ethics & Conduct - Page 12 Our Code of Ethics & Conduct Page 11 Page 13