INTRODUCTION PROMOTING CLIMATE RESILIENCE CLOSING THE PROTECTION GAP INDUCING POSITIVE SOCIETAL CHANGE GOVERNANCE APPENDIX Addressing Climate Change through RenaissanceRe Risk Sciences Wildfire Since 2015, we have invested heavily in enhancing our risk RenaissanceRe Risk Science Research Reports understanding and modeling capabilities of emergent wildfire risk Through RRRS, we empower our clients and partners with the latest across North America. This has resulted in substantial advancements advances in risk science to sharpen risk understanding and improve in quantifying their potential impact on our portfolio, with special outcomes. Our RRRS team produces research on a range of critical focus on capturing the climate change drivers to this peril. This has topics, including climate-related perils and retrospective analysis. led us to gain a deeper understanding of wildfire risks in Europe These reports provide valuable insights on risks and challenges, that we believe surpass the capabilities of current vendor models. while sharing best practices and trends. Flood Recent Highlights As the frequency of flooding events in Europe continues to increase, we recognize the need for a more accurate approach to assessing flood risks in the region. To address this, we are evaluating an innovative probabilistic flood model that should enable us to better identify and assess flood impacts, and provide valuable insights for our clients and partners. Climate Change and Its Hurricane Ian Influence on Large Hail Retrospective 2022 Events in Europe Interim Report on a Wildfire Outlook for Vigorous Start to 2023 U.S. the 2023 Season Severe Convective Storms 12

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