INTRODUCTION PROMOTING CLIMATE RESILIENCE CLOSING THE PROTECTION GAP INDUCING POSITIVE SOCIETAL CHANGE GOVERNANCE APPENDIX Topic Accounting Metric Category Unit of Measure Code Response or Location Environmental Probable Maximum Loss (PML) of Quantitative Reporting currency FN-IN-450a.1 - Risk Exposure insured products from weather-related natural catastrophes Total amount of monetary losses Quantitative Reporting currency FN-IN-450a.2 2022 Form 10-K: Geographic Breakdown, page 8 attributable to insurance payouts from (1) modeled natural catastrophes and (2) non-modeled natural catastrophes, by type of event and geographic segment (net and gross of reinsurance) Description of approach to Discussion and n/a FN-IN-450a.3 2022 Form 10-K: Underwriting Risk Management, pages 12–13; incorporation of environmental risks Analysis Enterprise Risk Management, pages 14–15; Environmental and into (1) the underwriting process Climate Change Matters, pages 15–16; Risk Factors, pages 33–46 for individual contracts and (2) the Climate Transition Underwriting, pages 14–18 management of firm-level risks and capital adequacy 2023 ClimateWise Report, pages 8-9 Systemic Risk Exposure to derivative instruments by Quantitative Reporting currency FN-IN-550a.1 2022 Form 10-K: Note 18. Derivative Instruments, pages F-82 to Management category: (1) total potential exposure F-87 to noncentrally cleared derivatives, (2) total fair value of acceptable collateral posted with the Central Clearinghouse, and (3) total potential exposure to centrally cleared derivatives Total fair value of securities lending Quantitative Reporting currency FN-IN-550a.2 - collateral assets Description of approach to managing Discussion and n/a FN-IN-550a.3 2022 Form 10-K: Corporate Strategy, page 4; Risk Factors, pages capital and liquidity-related risks Analysis 33–46; Financial Condition, Liquidity and Capital Resources, associated with systemic non- pages 79–93 insurance activities Table 2. Activity Metrics Activity Metric Category Unit of Measure Code Response or Location Number of policies in force, by segment: (1) property and Quantitative Number FN-IN-000.A - casualty, (2) life, (3) assumed reinsurance 62

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