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RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. Responsible Investment Policy Integrating ESG Into Our Investment Practices SECTION V - Stakeholder Engagement Whether advancing climate change research and risk first probabilistic Sri Lanka flood model in an open- mitigation efforts or giving back to our communities source format to improve analysis of regional flood through our long-standing corporate social risks, supporting IDF disaster risk financing and responsibility program, we have focused on ESG community resilience projects, and lowering barriers issues because they advance our business goals and to access high-quality hazard and risk information. are the right thing to do. As RenaissanceRe grows, so RenaissanceRe’s involvement in the development does our ability to be a positive force for change, and and execution of such projects aligns closely with two we believe that ESG’s impact and opportunity should core pillars of our ESG strategy: Promoting Climate be recognized throughout the market and shared with Resilience and Closing the Protection Gap. We our key stakeholders. expect to continue to develop public sector partners and dedicate time and resources to developing and Investment Insights supporting innovative products to help mitigate the As we continue to evolve our ESG strategy, we intend impacts of climate change and other ESG related risks. to continue (where practical) to: In doing so, we will consider potential investments in positive impact investment products. • use the knowledge and insights we develop through our investment activities to engage in knowledge- sharing regarding the relationship between ESG risks and financial attributes of investments; • participate in industry and investor forums and contribute to best practice investment guidelines, principles, frameworks, and standards; and • consider the most appropriate industry bodies and forums through which RenaissanceRe can best contribute as an asset owner. Product Innovation and Public Sector Partnerships Throughout our history, RenaissanceRe has been a re/insurance sector leader in helping design public/ private partnerships to deliver proactive solutions that help close the protection gap for some of the world’s largest risks, including climate change-driven natural catastrophes. We have worked with government programs protecting against wind, flood, earthquake and terrorism risk and expect to continue to collaborate with and contribute our expertise to these and other entities. For example, RenaissanceRe plays an active role in the Insurance Development Forum (IDF), which applies insurance capabilities and resources to build resilience and protection for those communities, businesses and institutions most vulnerable to disaster and economic shock. RenaissanceRe’s Chief Risk Officer chairs the IDF’s Risk Modeling Steering Group, with the goal of increasing risk understanding among risk owners globally through the application of open risk modeling principles, technology and standards. We are involved in several projects with the IDF, including funding the development of the

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