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and shareholders’ equity than those noted above, and could be recorded across multiple periods. We also caution that the above sensitivity analysis is not used by management in developing our reserve estimates and is also not used by management in managing the business. Premiums and Related Expenses Premiums are recognized as income, net of any applicable reinsurance or retrocessional coverage purchased, over the terms of the related contracts and policies. Premiums written are based on contract and policy terms and include estimates based on information received from both insureds and ceding companies. Unearned premiums represents the portion of premiums written that relate to the unexpired terms of contracts and policies in force. Amounts are computed by pro rata methods based on statistical data or reports received from ceding companies. Reinstatement premiums are estimated after the occurrence of a loss and are recorded in accordance with the contract terms based upon paid losses as well as reported and estimated reserves. Reinstatement premiums are earned when written. Due to the nature of reinsurance, ceding companies routinely report and remit premiums to us subsequent to the contract coverage period. Consequently, premiums written and receivable include amounts reported by the ceding companies, supplemented by our estimates of premiums that are written but not reported. The estimation of written premiums may be affected by early cancellation, election of contract provisions for cut-off and return of unearned premiums or other contract disruptions. The time lag involved in the process of reporting premiums is shorter than the lag in reporting losses. In addition to estimating premiums written, we estimate the earned portion of premiums written which is subject to judgment and uncertainty. Any adjustments to written and earned premiums, and the related losses and acquisition expenses, are accounted for as changes in estimates and are reflected in the results of operations in the period in which they are made. Lines of business that are similar in both the nature of their business and estimation process may be grouped for purposes of estimating premiums. Premiums are estimated based on ceding company estimates and our own judgment after considering factors such as: (1) the ceding company’s historical premium versus projected premium, (2) the ceding company’s history of providing accurate estimates, (3) anticipated changes in the marketplace and the ceding company’s competitive position therein, (4) reported premiums to date and (5) the anticipated impact of proposed underwriting changes. Estimates of premiums written and earned are based on the selected ultimate premium estimate, the terms and conditions of the reinsurance contracts and the remaining exposure from the underlying policies. We evaluate the appropriateness of these estimates in light of the actual premium reported by the ceding companies, information obtained during audits and other information received from ceding companies. We estimate our provision for current expected credit losses by applying specific percentages against each premiums receivable based on the counterparty’s credit ratings. The percentages applied are based on information received from both insureds and ceding companies and are then adjusted by us based on industry knowledge and our judgment and estimates. We then evaluate the overall adequacy of the provision for current expected credit losses based on other qualitative and judgmental factors. At December 31, 2021, the Company’s premiums receivable balance was $3.8 billion ( 2020 - $2.9 billion). Of the Company’s premiums receivable balance as of December 31, 2021, the majority are receivables from highly rated counterparties. At December 31, 2021, the Company held a provision for current expected credit losses on its premiums receivable of $2.8 million ( 2020 - $ 6.0 million). Reinsurance Recoverable We enter into retrocessional reinsurance agreements in order to help reduce our exposure to large losses and to help manage our risk portfolio. Amounts recoverable from reinsurers are estimated in a manner consistent with the claims and claim expense reserves associated with the related assumed reinsurance. For multi-year retrospectively rated contracts, we accrue amounts (either assets or liabilities) that are due to or from our retrocessionaires based on estimated contract experience. If we determine that adjustments to earlier estimates are appropriate, such adjustments are recorded in the period in which they are determined. The estimate of reinsurance recoverable can be more subjective than estimating the underlying claims and claim expense reserves as discussed under the heading “Claims and Claim Expense Reserves” above. In particular, reinsurance recoverable may be affected by deemed inuring reinsurance, industry losses 66

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