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Principle 4 - Reduce the environmental impact of our business 4.1. Encourage our suppliers to improve the environmental sustainability of their products and services and understand the implications these have on our business. RenaissanceRe is committed to being a trusted RenaissanceRe has also published an partner to its stakeholders and is proud of the Environmental Policy on its external website long-term relationships that it has fostered with outlining its commitment to a long-term, sustainable its customers, investors, suppliers, employees, approach to protecting the environment. and communities. RenaissanceRe maintains and builds this trust by striving to operate to the highest The Policy outlines that RenaissanceRe looks standards of honesty and business conduct, for effective ways to minimize its impact on grounded in its core values that include Integrity the environment, monitoring and analyzing its and Respect. Correspondingly, RenaissanceRe has operations and facilities to determine how it can published a Code of Vendor Conduct to reinforce be more efficient and environmentally friendly. its core values and share its expectations of any RenaissanceRe’s activities include replacing individual or entity providing a service to, for, or on equipment and technology with more efficient behalf of, the company. RenaissanceRe expects its versions, identifying and implementing measures vendors to demonstrate their commitment to ethical, to reduce waste and conserve natural resources, human, socially responsible and legally compliant and conducting assessments with utility providers business practices by: and vendors to better understand and consider its environmental impact. Acting with integrity and conducting ethical • business practices; • Complying with all applicable laws and regulations; and • Informing RenaissanceRe of any issues as they occur. 4.2. Disclose our Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (“GHG”) emissions using a globally recognized standard. RenaissanceRe has actively tracked its operational carbon footprint since 2019 in an effort to understand its operational sustainability and identify opportunities to manage its impact. In 2021, RenaissanceRe expanded its GHG inventory to include additional emission sources from fuel consumption (electricity, gas and diesel) and business travel. 2021 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY SNAPSHOT* GHG Emissions Environmental Stewardship Consumption 52 1,701 Yes Yes 2,424 1,271 Global scope 1 Global scope 2 Business- Educating Total Energy Total Energy GHG emissions GHG emissions wide recycling employees on ESG consumption in consumption in data (metric tons CO e) (metric tons CO e) programme (Y/N) initiatives (Y/N) offices (in MWh) centres (in MWh) 2 2 1,753 3,918 Yes 13,715 13,118 Global scope 1+2 Global scope 3 Reducing carbon impact of operations Total fuel Total gas 3 GHG emissions GHG emissions with site-specific efforts (Y/N) consumed (in litres) consumed (in m ) (metric tons CO e) (metric tons CO e) 2 2 * The figures above represent the Company’s estimates for 2021 as of December 31, 2021. These estimates are based upon information currently available to the Company, and actual figures may vary from these estimates. Definitions for scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions are outlined below. The Company’s calculations follow the World Resources Institute/ World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WRI/ WBCSD) Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, Revised Edition (the “GHG Protocol”). The Company utilizes the GHG Protocol for all definitions, assumptions, and calculations for Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions and energy consumption discussed in this document unless explicitly stated otherwise. Page 14

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