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Principle 4 - Reduce the environmental impact of our business (continued) 1 RenaissanceRe is committed to minimizing its impact tons carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) in 2021. on the environment by exercising best-practice This equates to a reduction of 74% in the carbon standards of resource management across its offices intensity per full time employee compared to and operations. Multiple factors, including the Covid-19 2019. As a company within the financial services pandemic, have contributed to significant reductions sector, business travel continues to be a significant in overall GHG emissions compared to 2019 – the contributor to the Company’s overall carbon footprint. Company’s baseline year. RenaissanceRe has thus enhanced its data collection capacity through its online expenditure system, in Overall, RenaissanceRe has reduced its total estimated order to accurately collect and monitor all travel data GHG emissions from its operations by 69% compared and support data-driven reduction strategies. to 2019, producing gross emissions of 5,671 metric TOTAL OPERATIONAL CARBON FOOTPRINT, 2019 - 2021 20000 16000 e2 O s C 12000 n Scope 1 o c T 8000 Scope 2 i r t Scope 3 e M 4000 0 2019 2020 2021 1 Based on the company’s estimates for 2021 as of December 31, 2021. Appendix A discloses RenaissanceRe’s operational environmental performance, including GHG emissions and their relative performance compared to our 2019 baseline year (page 28). 2 Scope 1 emissions estimates were calculated using Carbon Finance internal Company logs of fixed asset use; scope 2 In 2020, RenaissanceRe engaged a third-party emissions estimates were calculated using receipts provider to offset its operational carbon emissions. received from energy service providers for all Company RenaissanceRe chose to purchase offsets in excess offices and data centers; and scope 3 emissions of its calculated operational footprint. RenaissanceRe estimates were calculated from total expenditure has been proactive in sharing this carbon financing on business travel, which includes road, rail and air with key external stakeholders to promote the methods transportation. As a Bermuda-headquartered Company, by which companies can reduce global emissions certain global corporate air travel costs were allocated and increase community resilience in the face of to RenaissanceRe’s headquarters. climate change. RenaissanceRe recognizes that this Gross emissions have been calculated in accordance is a positive first step, providing a foundation for further with the GHG Protocol, through a location-based opportunities to manage its impact in the future. process using “Compare Your Footprint.”2 As indicated by the GHG Protocol, improvements in both The three projects it supported are detailed as follows: the quality and inventory of GHG data have triggered a recalculation of GHG emissions for 2019. Therefore, RenaissanceRe’s present GHG emissions were calculated using historical data from 1 January 2019 • Rainforest Protection in Sierra Leone to 31 December 2021. The Gola Rainforest in south-east Sierra Leone is one of the world’s most important biodiversity hotspots. This project is working with local communities to protect the forest through agroforestry, education and health programs Page 15

2022 ClimateWise Report - Page 17 2022 ClimateWise Report Page 16 Page 18