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Principle 1 - Be Accountable 1.1 Ensure that the organization’s Board is working to incorporate the Principles into business strategy and has oversight of climate risks and opportunities. RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.’s (“RenaissanceRe” and ESG oversight is specifically referenced in or the “Company”) Board of Directors (the “Board”) the Corporate Governance and Human Capital recognizes the importance of investing time and Management Committee charter. The full Board, and resources in business practices that emphasize each of its standing committees, receive reports good corporate citizenship and environmental on relevant ESG and risk matters, including climate sustainability, and RenaissanceRe has adopted a change, in order to ensure effective oversight. formal ESG strategy, which focuses on three core RenaissanceRe’s dedicated ESG team reports to areas where the Company applies its core business the Corporate Governance and Human Capital strengths to make a meaningful impact on society — Committee quarterly, and to the full Board at least promoting climate resilience, closing the protection annually, on its ESG initiatives and progress on gap, and inducing positive societal change. implementation of the Company’s ESG strategy. The primary responsibilities of each committee RenaissanceRe’s Board has active oversight are summarized in the Risk Management Process of strategic planning and enterprise-wide risk overview on page 6 below. management (“ERM”), including environmental and sustainability matters. RenaissanceRe considers ERM At least annually, RenaissanceRe’s Group Chief Risk to be a key strategic objective and believes that its Officer presents a comprehensive risk management ERM processes and practices help to identify potential overview to the Board to demonstrate management events that may affect it; quantify, evaluate and manage coverage and Board oversight of significant the risks to which it is exposed (such as climate identified risks, including climate change. This change); and provide reasonable assurance regarding overview outlines RenaissanceRe’s procedures for the achievement of corporate objectives. the identification, measurement of, response to and reporting of risks, and progress against strategic For each identified and measured risk, it has identified: plans and goals of the year. • a day-to-day owner and management response; • a process for monitoring and reporting on the risk; • a senior management committee; and • Board and/or committee oversight. RenaissanceRe believes that this risk management process, along with its culture and focus on ERM, ensures effective oversight of climate change risk by its Board. RenaissanceRe has been progressively integrating the consideration of the financial risk of climate change into its governance frameworks, risk management processes, and business strategies over the past several years. The Board maintains three principal standing committees: the Audit Committee, the Corporate Governance and Human Capital Management Committee (formerly the Compensation and Corporate Governance Committee), and the Investment and Risk Management Committee. During 2021, RenaissanceRe formalized its Board committees’ oversight of ESG matters (including climate change) within its charters. Climate change was identified as a key financial risk overseen by the Investment and Risk Management Committee Page 3

2022 ClimateWise Report - Page 5 2022 ClimateWise Report Page 4 Page 6