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Principle 4 - Reduce the environmental impact of our business (continued) • Reforestation in Kenya • Afforestation in Chile This community-led reforestation project uses This project supports communities in Chile advanced technologies to plant trees, cut to restore degraded land through innovative carbon, tackle poverty and empower women biotechnologies, which increase biomass growth and communities in planted trees by up to 119% 4.3. Measure and seek to reduce the environmental impacts of the internal operations and physical assets under our control. Although RenaissanceRe has not set fixed targets Global Green Group for greenhouse gas emissions reductions at this RenaissanceRe developed an internal Global Green stage, it is proactively seeking innovative methods Group (“GGG”) which focuses on identifying and to reduce the environmental impact of its physical advancing measures to streamline operational assets and internal operations. RenaissanceRe activities that impact the environment, with a does not own any of its buildings and is enhancing broader aim to reduce the Company’s operational its disclosures to highlight the various methods carbon footprint. The GGG brings together a by which it has improved the environmental diverse cross-section of employees from each sustainability of its offices, including the following: office who are locally responsible for collecting GHG data, implementing decarbonization • Implementation of Electric Vehicle Scheme in the UK initiatives and educating employees on progress. office to promote the use of electric & hybrid vehicles The GGG convene on a monthly basis and • Installation of electric charging stations in Bermuda provide regular updates on key developments to office to support green transport options RenaissanceRe’s senior management, including the • Installation of recycling bins across all offices to risks and opportunities relating to operational ESG encourage positive waste management management as part of a monthly ESG update. The GGG also collaborates with other groups within the • Installation of LED and automated lighting to reduce Company, such as the Climate and Sustainability energy usage Leadership Group, Corporate Social Responsibility • Removal of plastic bottles, and introduction of reusable (“CSR”) Committees and local social committees bottles to discourage single-use plastic usage to coordinate and highlight opportunities to further • Monitoring of food ordering efficiencies to reduce pursue operational sustainability initiatives. food waste • Recycling or repurposing of IT equipment to During 2022, the Company introduced a new charitable organizations performance development goal for relevant • Removal of desktop printers and replacement with employees to outline personal responsibility for multipurpose, energy-efficient shared printers upholding RenaissanceRe’s operational ESG commitments, such as working towards actively • Implementation of ‘follow-me printing’ technology to managing the Company’s carbon footprint and reduce paper waste partnering with third-party suppliers committed • Implementation of Wake-on-Lan to allow machines to decarbonization. RenaissanceRe believes that to switch off remotely to save energy ensuring recognition for its operational sustainability • Sourcing sustainable merchandise for successes is important in advancing its long-term RenaissanceRe employees and events sustainability goals. • On site bicycle parking Page 16

2022 ClimateWise Report - Page 18 2022 ClimateWise Report Page 17 Page 19