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We respect and value our clients, partners and shareholders Fair Dealing Relationships are a crucial RenaissanceRe serves a wide variety of clients and customers and deals with a broad range of component of the success other stakeholders and counter parties on a of any business. They are built world-wide basis. In conducting your activities, you on concern for and loyalty to our are required to comply with the conduct clients, partners, shareholders requirements for our products and appropriate and other stakeholders. business practices in those territories. You should be aware of the market and regulatory standards We believe that making ethical that might apply to you given your responsibilities and location, such as the Lloyd’s Conduct decisions, acting in the best Minimum Standards or fair dealing associated with interests of our Company, being listed on the New York Stock Exchange. You shareholders and capital are required to deal fairly with RenaissanceRe’s partners and serving them customers, suppliers, competitors and employees, faithfully will help us generate and not take unfair advantage of them through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged long-term value. We seek and information, misrepresentation of material facts, or provide value through our any other unfair-dealing practice. Consult your financial security, quality Supervisor or other legal or compliance resources products and responsive as appropriate. service to our clients and partners. Our corporate strategy Confidential Information reflects these objectives. (including Personally Employees should be familiar Identifiable Information) with our corporate strategy as it relates to their position, and See Compliance Portal: their conduct should reflect our Information Security Policy Information Security Principles strategy, values and principles. Confidential Client Information and Trade Secrets Policy Insider Trading Policy Confidential information takes many forms and includes information about our Company, our clients, our partners, our colleagues and potentially other stakeholders. Confidential information includes all non-public information. Disclosure or use of confidential information may provide an advantage to competitors or may harm our Company, clients or partners. Confidential information also includes personal information about our employees,

Our Code of Ethics & Conduct - Page 6 Our Code of Ethics & Conduct Page 5 Page 7