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Code of Ethics and Conduct / November 2021 / 18 - 19 Q: Do employees really get Reporting Any Concerns dismissed for violating our ethical standards? If you become aware of anything that even appears to violate A: Yes. We take our ethical any part of this Code, laws, regulations, legal obligations or our obligations seriously and policies or of inappropriate or negligent conduct or will enforce them. In some cases, concealment of any of these, you are encouraged and employees have been dismissed expected to report the possible violation promptly. for violations including but not limited to theft, fraud, conflict of interest, sexual harassment, If you report a concern, our commitment falsifying records or failing to to you will be to: cooperate in an investigation. Q: I am concerned that someone may have breached this Code, • Act promptly and appropriately in response to your concerns but I am not really sure. What should I do? A: Even in circumstances where • Maintain confidentiality to the fullest extent possible during you are unsure but have any investigation of the reported concern questions or concerns, we encourage you to report the perceived breach of this Code. • Ensure there are no negative corporate repercussions for In order to facilitate the reporting raising an item in good faith or assisting with an investigation of employee communications, we have established a Whistleblowing Policy, which provides certain mechanisms for employees to submit, on a confidential basis, communications in good faith. There are no adverse employment repercussions for any employee with respect to good faith reporting of complaints or questions.

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