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When and how to report When To Ask For Help Where To Get Help We do not believe it is possible to describe • This Code of Ethics and Conduct every situation in which you may be required to • Your Supervisor make a judgment about ethics and compliance violations. If you encounter such a situation, your • Your Human Resources Manager conduct can frequently be guided by the • Your Unit / Function Leader following questions: • RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.’s • Is your proposed action ethical and legal? General Counsel • If it were made public, such as in a • Your Local Office Legal Representative newspaper, would it damage RenaissanceRe’s • Your Local Office Compliance reputation, a colleague’s, or your own? Representative • How would you feel if your Supervisor or • The Compliance Portal co-workers or your family found out? • Our Whistleblowing Process • Would you risk your job over it? You are always encouraged to ask if you have any questions relating to proper and ethical business conduct. At RenaissanceRe, the only bad question is the unasked question.

Our Code of Ethics & Conduct - Page 20 Our Code of Ethics & Conduct Page 19 Page 21