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Message from our CEO At RenaissanceRe we believe that how This Code and our corporate values and we act is as important to our success as principles provide you with a framework what we do. We are committed to being a to guide your behavior and professional trusted partner to our stakeholders and dealings. We always expect you to are proud of the long-term relationships comply with the spirit as well as the letter we have fostered with our customers, of the various laws, policies and investors, communities and employees. procedures which govern our operations We maintain and build this trust by and activities. operating to the highest standards of It is not possible to provide an exhaustive business conduct and grounding all of list of scenarios that you may encounter. our interactions in our core values of If you have any questions or concerns, Integrity and Respect. Integrity means the end of this Code contains more “maintaining an approach to all dealings details on where to go, as well as that is upright, honest and morally sound” information on our Whistleblowing Policy while Respect means “treating all of our and Process should you need to report stakeholders with a genuine sense of any suspected violations of our Code. worth for their person.” We also Please also refer to the policies, protocols encourage honest, open exchange of and guidelines posted on our ideas, believing that diverse perspectives Compliance Portal and in local offices. and experiences make us a stronger Thank you for the work you do every day company and partner. to reinforce the trusted reputation that defines RenaissanceRe. I am proud to be part of our team. Kevin J. O’Donnell President and Chief Executive Officer

Our Code of Ethics & Conduct - Page 4 Our Code of Ethics & Conduct Page 3 Page 5