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Code of Ethics and Conduct / November 2021 / 1 Contents Message from our CEO 2 When and How to Report 18 Overview 3 When to ask for help 18 Compliance Responsibilities 3 Where to get help 18 Reporting any concerns 19 Code Principles We respect and value our clients, 4 Whistleblowing 20 partners and shareholders How to report 20 We respect and comply with 6 Whistleblowing process 20 relevant laws and regulations Contact information 21 We respect and protect RenaissanceRe 10 We respect and value each other 14 We respect and support the 16 communities in which we operate Scope Failure to follow our References in this Code of Ethics and Conduct standards of conduct (the “Code”) to “employees” include all of our Integrity and fair business practices are critical to officers, employees and, where relevant, our our reputation. Violations of this Code or relevant directors. References to the “Company” include laws by any employee may be deemed to be RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. and its affiliates. serious misconduct under the terms of Any questions about how any part of this Code employment and may subject the employee to or relevant policies may apply to you should be criminal, civil or regulatory sanctions, as well as addressed to your local office legal to internal disciplinary actions – up to and representative or RenaissanceRe Holdings including immediate termination of employment. Ltd.’s Group General Counsel. In appropriate cases, RenaissanceRe may also Certification refer misconduct to the proper authorities for prosecution. This may subject the individuals All employees and directors are required to involved to civil and/or criminal penalties. submit an annual certification of their Waivers understanding of and compliance with this Code and the policies relevant to them as Waivers of any element of this Code or the posted on our internal Compliance Portal. underlying policies in our Compliance Portal This certification is a compulsory component may be granted or withheld from time to time of our annual review and performance by the Company at its sole discretion. To the management program for employees. extent required by applicable laws and No Retaliation regulations, any waivers of this Code for the Certain laws and regulations prohibit retalia- benefit of directors or executive officers will be tory action against employees who report po- submitted for approval by the Board of tential wrongdoing in certain circumstances. Directors (or a committee of the Board of There are no adverse employment repercus- Directors) of RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd., sions for those who report, in good faith or on and will be disclosed to the shareholders of a reasonable basis, potential or actual ethical RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. where required. and compliance violations. Retaliation is a violation of this Code and should be reported in accordance with this Code.

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