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Code of Ethics and Conduct / November 2021 / 14 - 15 A: If you feel comfortable doing so, you may Political Contributions notify the offending individual that the and Public Office conduct is not welcome. You should report complaints to your immediate Supervisor, or For the most part, individuals are free as private to any Supervisor, senior manager or human citizens to endorse or contribute to political resources representative with whom you feel parties and candidates, contribute to ‘issue comfortable. Your communication will be advocacy’ groups, serve in political campaigns or kept confidential and/or anonymous to the run for public office. Certain employees extent possible. associated with RenaissanceRe Fund Use of Illegal Drugs and Alcohol Management Ltd. are prohibited from making certain political contributions. Affected employees RenaissanceRe is committed to providing a have been informed and you should ask if you are work environment that is free from illegal drugs unsure as to whether this prohibition applies to and inappropriate alcohol consumption. you. Corporate political contributions, however, Unlawful manufacture, distribution, must be lawful and be approved by dispensation, possession, use, sale or purchase RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd.’s Chief Executive of illegal drugs and/or related paraphernalia is Officer or Group General Counsel or their prohibited, as is being under the influence of designees. Involvement in political campaigns or drugs. Alcohol may be available at various running for an elected position in your personal work-related events and you may, if you choose, capacity must not constitute a conflict of interest consume moderate amounts, but it is your sole with RenaissanceRe and must use neither the responsibility to ensure your conduct and RenaissanceRe name nor company resources. demeanor is professional at all times. RenaissanceRe will not pressure any ‘Professional conduct’ extends to avoiding employee to make a political contribution, nor activities where laws or regulations may be will the Company reimburse employees for breached, such as operating motorized vehicles individual contributions. when impaired. RenaissanceRe reserves the right to take appropriate steps to ensure Diversity, Equity and Inclusion compliance with this policy, including drug Our people are our most valuable resource and testing as permitted by law. we are committed to maintaining a culture that Any violation of this policy, including conviction for supports every person in doing their best work. involvement in illegal drugs, could result in We have a global, cross-functional Diversity, disciplinary action, up to and including termination. Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Council that sets and Employees are encouraged to seek assistance executes our DEI Strategy and focus areas in for themselves or their dependents for drug or partnership with Senior Management. Our alcohol problems, and to report suspected overall goal is to embed DEI principles in our abuse by co-workers. RenaissanceRe provides daily practices (“in our DNA”). By Seeking assistance and access to rehabilitative Diversity, Creating Equity and Practicing treatments and programs for employees (or their Inclusion, we will build an even stronger culture dependents) who seek it. and company. The Human Resources department and your local office Employee Handbook can provide additional guidance.

Our Code of Ethics & Conduct Page 16 Page 18