INTRODUCTION PROMOTING CLIMATE RESILIENCE CLOSING THE PROTECTION GAP INDUCING POSITIVE SOCIETAL CHANGE GOVERNANCE APPENDIX Sustainability Governance Sustainability Governance Structure Our sustainability governance approach involves cross-collaboration among Board of Directors our Board committees and management. Our SVP, Head of Sustainability Strategy provides quarterly updates to the Corporate Governance and Responsible for broad oversight of strategic planning Human Capital Management Committee, and annual updates to the and enterprise-wide risk management. full Board, allowing progress to be reviewed and overseen by relevant committees. The Board maintains three principal standing committees: the Audit Committee, the Corporate Governance and Human Capital Board Committees Management Committee, and the Investment and Risk Management Committee (the “IRMC”). Oversight of certain sustainability matters is Oversee, monitor and review policies, programs and delegated to the standing committees pursuant to their charters, which practices related to sustainability matters. are available on our website. This approach facilitates valuable feedback, enabling us to continuously review our areas of focus and enhance the Management implementation of our sustainability strategy. To drive meaningful engagement, we actively seek feedback from a diverse Responsible for decision-making and execution based on areas of range of individuals and organizations, including our key stakeholders. We corporate focus. Regularly reports to the Board of Directors and its consider their perspectives into our decision-making processes to drive committees on key sustainability topics. positive environmental and social outcomes. We discuss our key focus areas with the Climate and Sustainability Leadership Group, and report Internal Collaboration progress internally, with regular updates to the Board. By doing so, we aim to maintain focus on achieving our sustainability goals and to keep track of Subject matter specialists collaborate to drive the continued our progress. development of our sustainability strategy. 47

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